Objetivo: To encourage research project grants (R01) investigating the incidence, course, and outcomes of pregnancy among women with disabilities. Areas of interest also include studies to inform preconceptional and antenatal counseling and strategies for addressing barriers to prenatal care, and management of pregnancy, the puerperium, and the transition to parenthood in order to optimize outcomes for women with physical, intellectual and developmental, and/or sensory disabilities and their families.
Inscrições: até 16 de fevereiro de 2018
Mais informações em R01 e R03.
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Objetivo: To support multilevel, transdisciplinary population health interventions that target underlying social, economic, and environmental conditions in an effort to improve health outcomes.
Inscrições: até 16 de fevereiro de 2018
Mais informações em R01 e R21.
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Objetivo: To support Exploratory/Developmental Research Grants (R21) that propose small scale or pilot and feasibility clinical and translational research studies, including epidemiological studies or clinical trials related to urologic disorders research. Studies should address important clinical and translational questions that are potentially of high clinical and public health impact.
Inscrições: até 16 de fevereiro de 2018
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Objetivo: To encourage transdisciplinary and translational research that will identify the specific biological or biobehavioral pathways through which physical activity and/or weight control (either weight loss or avoidance of weight gain) may affect cancer prognosis and survival.
Inscrições: até 16 de fevereiro de 2018
Mais informações em R01 e R21.
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Objetivo: To conduct basic and translational studies on ApoE2 and other variants to improve understanding of physiologic and cellular differences attributable to the ApoE e2 allele (vs. other ApoE alleles), and how they mediate ApoE e2’s differential effects on longevity and risk for age-related conditions. This will aid in the identification of potential therapeutic targets for interventions that prevent or ameliorate aging-related diseases by mimicking favorable differential effects of the ApoE e2 variant, while avoiding adverse effects.
Inscrições: até 16 de fevereiro de 2018
Mais informações em R01 e R21.
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Objetivo: To expand knowledge and increase the evidence base for palliative care (PC) in advanced rare diseases, including rare cancers, and to improve physical and psychosocial well-being and quality of life among seriously ill individuals and their family caregive.
Inscrições: até 16 de fevereiro de 2018
Mais informações em R01 e R21.
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Objetivo: To encourage applications from the scientific community to support outstanding research in the area of oocyte mitochondrial function in relation to fertility, aging, and mitochondrial disease transmission to offspring. The overarching goal is to gain fundamental insight into the role of mitochondria and long-term consequences of their dysfunction in the oocyte, and to develop therapeutic or alternative approaches to treat mitochondrial dysfunction for improving oocyte quality and competency, and health of the resultant offspring.
Inscrições: até 16 de fevereiro de 2018
Mais informações em R01 e R21.
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Objetivo: The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support research that will contribute to the overall understanding of Lyme disease and co-infections transmitted by Ixodes ticks. This research opportunity encourages studies that address diverse scientific areas such as 1) pathogenesis, 2) host response, 3) disease transmission, 4) vector biology and natural history, 5) vaccines, 6) diagnostics, and 7) therapeutics.
Inscrições: até 16 de fevereiro de 2018
Mais informações em R01 e R21.
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Objetivo: This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites applications that propose basic, clinical, or translational research on non-healing ulcerative wounds and their consequences in aging and in older persons. Applications are solicited which focus on the 1) biology, etiology and pathophysiology of non-healing ulcerative wounds in animal models and/or older adults; 2) translation of basic/clinical research into clinical practice and health decision-making; 3) diagnosis, prevention, management and clinical outcomes of non-healing wounds in older adults.
Inscrições: até 16 de fevereiro de 2018
Mais informações em R01 e R21.
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Objetivo: The NINDS Exploratory Neuroscience Research Grant program supports exploratory and innovative research projects, which fall within the mission of the NINDS. Awards will provide support for the early and conceptual stages of projects. These studies often assess the feasibility of a novel avenue of investigation and involve considerable risk, but have the potential to bring about breakthroughs in the understanding of important areas of neuroscience, or to the development of novel techniques, agents, methodologies, or models, of high value to the neuroscience community.
Inscrições: até 16 de fevereiro de 2018
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