NIH – Nida Research Education Program for Clinical Researchers and Clinicians

07/05/2018 11:49

Objetivo: This FOA is intended to support research education activities that enhance the knowledge of substance abuse and addiction research. The program is intended for those in clinically focused careers and/or those training for careers as clinicians/service providers, clinical researchers or optimally a combination of the two.

Inscrições: até 20 de julho de 2018

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Chamada Pública Camp 2018 – Serrapilheira

04/05/2018 11:48

Objetivo: Identificar iniciativas que proponham abordagens inovadoras de assuntos pertinentes à ciência, que busquem incentivar a formação científica de jovens brasileiros e formar pessoas capazes de analisar evidências e compreender o método científico. Os objetivos da Chamada Pública são: mapear iniciativas existentes e identificar projetos a serem apoiados com recursos do instituto.

Inscrições: até 30 de maio de 2018

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Tags: Apoio financeiroBrasilEdital

OSF – Open Society Fellowship 2018

03/05/2018 11:39

Objetivo: To support individuals pursuing innovative and unconventional approaches to fundamental open society challenges. The fellowship funds work that will enrich public understanding of those challenges and stimulate far-reaching and probing conversations within the Open Society Foundations and in the world.

Inscrições: até 15 de julho de 2018


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Mind & Life Institute – Think Tanks Program

02/05/2018 11:50

Objetivo: Recognizing the need for small groups of specialists to convene in dialogue about a specific issue in order to deepen their collective insight and make significant impacts, Mind & Life Institute is pleased to offer the Think Tanks grant program, to offer financial help for promoting this meetings.

Inscrições: até 01 de junho de 2018

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Friedrich’s Ataxia Research Alliance – General Research Grants

26/04/2018 15:46

Objetivo: To support research through funding competitive grants, promoting collaboration among scientists, advocating for public-private partnerships that support drug discovery, drug development and clinical research and hosting open forums for leading scientists to share their insights, ideas and challenges to advancing treatments for FA.

Inscrições: todos os anos, até 15 de julho01 de fevereiro

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IEEE Foundation – Grants Program 2018

25/04/2018 11:43

Objetivo: To fund projects that address the pre-defined theme “Raise awareness and understanding of science and technology and their potential to address a global challenge”. The theme aligns with the IEEE Foundation’s mission to “enable IEEE programs that enhance technology access, literacy, and education.”

Inscrições: até 13 de julho de 2018

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

MDA – Human Clinical Trial Grants 2018

24/04/2018 16:03

Objetivo: To support both clinical trials of compounds already on the market and clinical research studies performed at academic medical centers. Trials of novel therapeutics should be submitted as MDA Venture Philanthropy (MVP) projects. MVP commonly supports for-profit entities and return-on-investment is negotiated by MDA.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior