Global Innovation Fund – GIF Funds

30/11/2017 08:28

Objetivo: To suport researchers and innovators who are committed to using and generating innovations with strong potential for social impact at a large scale. We define ‘innovation’ broadly to include new business models, policy practices, technologies, behavioural insights, or ways of delivering products and services that benefit the poor in developing countries — any solution that has potential to address an important development problem more effectively than existing approaches.

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AvH – Research Group Linkage Programme

07/11/2017 09:13

Objetivo: The aim of the programme is to build a sustainable basis for long-term international academic collaboration, also integrating (doctoral and post-doctoral) junior researchers who are potential candidates for an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation research fellowship.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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[chamada] EDUFI Fellowships Programme

15/09/2017 16:52

The EDUFI Fellowships Programme is open to young doctoral level students and researchers from all countries and from all academic fields. Masters level studies or post-doctoral studies/research are not supported in the programme. The primary target group in the programme are such doctoral level students who will be doing their doctorate (or double doctorate) at a Finnish university.

Applications may be considered at all times. However, applications should be submitted at least five months before the intended scholarship period.

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[bolsa] Informações sobre a Chamada 2017 para Bolsas PQ e DT

14/06/2017 16:33

Com relação ao Edital Bolsas de Produtividade em Pesquisa (PQ) e de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Extensão Inovadora (DT)/2017, o CNPq informa que as inscrições serão abertas, em data a ser confirmada, até o início de julho/2017.

Os recursos já estão garantidos, mas não haverá aumento no número de bolsas.

O atraso se deu por questões meramente técnicas internas (ajustes no sistema).

O Calendário de Avaliações será mantido, ou seja, o julgamento será em novembro/2017.

Tags: BolsaBrasilCNPqEdital