Raptor Research Foundation – Dean Amadon Grant

18/04/2018 11:35

Objetivo: To assist persons working in the area of distribution and systematics (taxonomy) of raptors. Systematics covers a wide array of interests from molecular work to differential migration of populations from various geographic regions, for example. Distribution also covers a wide array of interests but should have something to do with where raptors live or why they are there.

Inscrições: todos os anos, até 30 de junho

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

Human Life Advancement Foundation Science & Technology Scholarships

12/04/2018 11:23

Objetivo: The HLAF Science and Technology Scholarships aims for the development of technology and innovation by providing scholarships for candidates to pursue PhD level studies or Postdoctoral research. We support the importance of education in building a educated society.

Inscrições: todos os anos, até 15 de abril e 15 de junho

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Tags: Exterior

GBIF – Young Researchers Award 2018

11/04/2018 11:27

Objetivo: This annual programme aims to foster innovative research and discovery in biodiversity informatics by graduate students whose master’s and doctoral studies rely on GBIF-mediated data. The 2018 programme will provide €5,000 prizes recognizing the work of two graduate students—preferably, one master’s and one PhD candidate—nominated by GBIF Participant countries.

Inscrições: até 15 de junho de 2018

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio

CNPq – Ciência Importa Fácil: Credenciamento de Pesquisadores para Importação

05/04/2018 11:42

Objetivo: Chamada para realizar credenciamento de pesquisadores com interesse em adquirir bens e serviços para pesquisa através de importação.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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Tags: BrasilCNPqEdital

AvH – Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Awards

05/04/2018 11:32

Objetivo: To award scientists and scholars from abroad, internationally renowned in their field, who completed their doctorates less than 18 years ago and who in future are expected to continue producing cutting-edge achievements which will have a seminal influence on their discipline beyond their immediate field of work, for their outstanding research record and invite them to spend a period of up to one year cooperating on a long-term research project with specialist colleagues at a research institution in Germany.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio

National Speleological Society – Research Grants

05/04/2018 11:28

Objetivo: Research Grants are given to qualified individuals or teams who are members of the NSS by the time the proposal is submitted for research-support in cave-related branches of study. This includes, but is not limited to, natural sciences (e.g., cave biology, geology, paleontology, and hydrology), social sciences (e.g., archaeology), and the humanities (e.g., speleological history).

Inscrições: todos os anos, de maio a dezembro.

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation – Research Group Linkage Programme

04/04/2018 11:54

Objetivo: To build a sustainable basis for long-term international academic collaboration, also integrating (doctoral and post-doctoral) junior researchers who are potential candidates for an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation research fellowship. Joint research projects can be sponsored to the value of €55,000 over a period of up to three years. The funding may be used to finance reciprocal research visits lasting up to three months, conferences and workshops, consumables, printing costs, and, to a limited extent, academic auxiliary staff and equipment for the institute abroad.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

IGB – Fellowship Program in Freshwater Science 2017/2018

04/04/2018 11:30

Objetivo: To offer fellowships for postdocs and senior scientists for 6-24 months. These fellowships are designed to enable outstanding scientists to contribute to research at IGB and thus further their own scientific development or training. IGB provides excellent laboratory and field facilities for interdisciplinary research, large-scale experimental facilities as well as long-term research programmes.

Inscrições: todos os anos, até 01 de junho e 01 de dezembro

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Tags: Exterior