Objetivo: The IUBMB is involved in a broad range of educational matters. It organizes or sponsors workshops, usually where participants can discuss modern education and related topics. It also distributes biochemistry textbooks and review journals without charge to scientists and teachers in developing areas, and holds or sponsors symposia on education at regional biochemical meetings around the world. It also cooperates with the editors of Biochemical Education (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education) in identifying timely topics for presentation at symposia and workshops.
Inscrições: até 01 de outubro de 2018
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Objetivo: This award is given at the time of the MAB Council in memory of Dr Michel Batisse for excellence in the management of the biosphere reserves in line with the recommendations of the Seville Strategy.
Inscrições: até 30 de setembro de 2018
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Objetivo: O ENGENE compreende tradicional evento científico regional e pretende reunir pesquisadores, professores e estudantes das diferentes áreas da genética e biologia molecular do Nordeste e de outras regiões, a fim de promover a divulgação do conhecimento científico junto à comunidade acadêmica, científica e à população da região. Nos quatro dias do XXII ENGENE, serão discutidas as principais descobertas na área de genética na forma de conferências, mesas redondas, minicursos, palestras, comunicações orais e pôsteres.
Inscrições: até 29 de setembro de 2018 (submissões)
Data: 27 a 30 de novembro de 2018
Local: Praiamar Hotel & Convention – Natal, RN
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Objetivo: Students, postdoctoral researchers, and other scientists with limited funding opportunities may apply to the Jurassic Foundation for grants to undertake research on any aspect of dinosaur paleontology (e.g., field exploration, fossil preparation or conservation, morphology, taxonomy, systematics, evolution, paleobiology, paleoecology, paleobiogeography, taphonomy).
Inscrições: todos os anos, até 15 de setembro e 15 de fevereiro
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Objetivo: This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages bioengineering applications that will accelerate the development and adoption of promising tools and technologies that can address important biomedical problems. The objectives are to establish these tools and technologies as robust, well-characterized solutions that fulfill an unmet need and are capable of enhancing our understanding of life science processes or the practice of medicine.
Inscrições: até 13 de setembro de 2018
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Objetivo: The fund is available for SfAM Members supervising a postgraduate research student, who has no funding from an additional source. Both the applicant and student must be members of the Society. The fund will cover consumables or a small piece of equipment required to complete their studies in the area of applied microbiology.
Inscrições: durante todo o ano
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Objetivo: By providing grants to local conservation leaders, the Zoo puts its money to work on the ground to advance conservation research, build capacity among local populations, strengthen environmental education, promote community involvement, and foster behavior change that benefits animals and people.
Inscrições: durante todo o ano
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Objetivo: To offer nationals of low- and middle-income countries the opportunity to receive training at Master’s degree level at Publich Health and Tropical Medicine.
Inscrições: até 31 de agosto de 2018
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Data: 15 a 17 de agosto de 2018
Inscrições: até 08 de agosto de 2018
Local: Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia do Maranhão – São Luís – MA
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Objetivo: To offer a range of financial support to scientists from countries with limited financial support who are performing research in Neurochemistry (defined broadly as molecular and cellular neurobiology).
Inscrições: todos os anos, até 31 de agosto e 31 de dezembro
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