AAG – Research Grants

21/11/2018 10:09

Objetivo: The AAG provides small grants to support research and fieldwork. Grants can be used only for direct expenses of research; salary and overhead costs are not allowed. The selection committee will not approve an award larger than $500 for any single recipient. The committee will not approve awards for masters or doctoral dissertation research. No awards are made if funds are insufficient or if proposals are not suitable.

Inscrições: até 31 de dezembro de 2018

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

I Seminário Científico de Metrologia, Automatização e Instrumentação

12/11/2018 08:48

Objetivo: Apresentar e divulgar os trabalhos passados, presentes e futuros do Laboratório de Metrologia e Automatização, incluindo mestrandos, doutorandos e pós-doutorandos. No evento serão realizadas também palestras e debates com convidados especialistas da área, com a finalidade de discutir as tendências e demandas atuais na área.

Inscrições: até 04 de dezembro de 2018

Data: 06 de dezembro de 2018

Local: Auditório Teixeirão – CTC – UFSC – Florianópolis, SC

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Tags: Brasil

DAAD – Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists 2019

09/11/2018 08:55

Objetivo: DAAD grants provide foreign academics and scientists with an opportunity to carry out research and continue their education in Germany. There are funding programmes for various qualification phases and stages in a career. The aim of this particular programme is to support short-term research stays and thus promote the exchange of experience and networking amongst colleagues.

Inscrições: até 03 de dezembro de 2018

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Iteea/FTEE – Scholarship for Undergraduate Major in Technology and Engineering Education 2018

08/11/2018 14:04

Objetivo: The Foundation for Technology and Engineering Educators announces the availability of a $1,000 scholarship for an undergraduate student majoring in technology and engineering education teacher preparation. The award is based upon interest in teaching, academic ability and faculty recommendations.

Inscrições: até 01 de dezembro de 2018

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Iteea – Maley & FTEE Scholarship for Technology and Engineering Teacher Professional Development 2018

08/11/2018 13:55

Objetivo: The Foundation for Technology and Engineering Educators proudly announces the $1,000 Maley/FTEE Technology and Engineering Teacher Scholarship in honor of Dr. Donald Maley. Its purpose is to support teachers in their preparation to increase the positive outcomes of technology and engineering education. Criteria include: (1) evidence of teaching success, (2) plans for action research, (3) recommendations, (4) plans for professional development, and (5) the applicant’s need.

Inscrições: até 01 de dezembro de 2018

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TWAS/Unesco – Associateship Scheme at Centres of Excellence in the South 2019

07/11/2018 08:54

Objetivo: In collaboration with UNESCO and a number of centres of excellence in the South, TWAS has instituted a Joint Associateship Scheme to enable competent researchers from the South to visit these centres regularly. An associate is appointed for three years during which he/she can visit a Centre twice for research collaboration. Almost 300 centres have been selected to participate in the Scheme.

Inscrições: até 01 de dezembro de 2018

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Sigma Xi – William Procter Prize for Scientific Achievement 2019

05/11/2018 08:43

Objetivo: Since 1950, the William ProcterProcterAward Prize for Scientific Achievement has been awarded annually to a scientist who has made an outstanding contribution to scientific research and has demonstrated an ability to communicate the significance of this research to scientists in other disciplines.

Inscrições: até 01 de dezembro de 2018

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExteriorPrêmio

IEEE/PES – Uno Lamm High Voltage Direct Current Award

31/10/2018 10:14

Objetivo:  This award recognizes outstanding contributions to HVDC technology. The technology has developed into an effective power system tool for long-distance energy transport, ac network interconnections, and system stability enhancement. These developments have come from the work of dedicated engineers and scientists in many countries throughout the world.

Inscrições: até 30 de novembro de 2018

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio

Lady Davis Fellowship Trust – Technion Institute of Technology: Post-Doctoral Fellowships

31/10/2018 09:54

Objetivo: To offer post-doctoral fellowships in the field of technology. Fellowships are granted for one year with the possibility of an extension for an additional year. The starting date of the visit should not be later than five years after receipt of the Doctoral Degree.

Inscrições: até 30 de novembro de 2018

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