This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages applications to conduct research on the effects of public policies on health-related behaviors and outcomes associated with alcohol, marijuana, and other substances. The purpose of the FOA is to advance understanding of how public policy may serve as a tool for improving public health and welfare through its effects on behaviors and outcomes pertaining to alcohol and other drugs. This FOA is intended to support innovative research to examine policy effects that have the potential to lead to meaningful changes in public health.
R01 – October 5, 2017.
R03 e R21 – June 16 and October 16, 2017.
Letter of Intent Due Date(s):
30 days prior to the application due date.
Data de expiração:
May 8, 2020.
Mais informações em R01, R03 e R21.
The Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI) seeks to improve the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders by funding, catalyzing and driving innovative research of the greatest quality and relevance. The SFARI Explorer Awards Program is designed to enhance the existing support of autism research by providing timely resources to enable focused experiments highly relevant to SFARI’s mission. The Awards aim to provide resources to support exploratory experiments that will strengthen hypotheses and lead to the formulation of competitive applications for subsequent larger-scale funding by SFARI or other organizations. Innovative, high-risk/high-impact proposals are encouraged.
durante todo o ano.
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Apoiar projetos, ações e investimentos de preservação e revitalização do patrimônio cultural brasileiro que atendam as seguintes diretrizes:
1. Contribuir para o desenvolvimento e fortalecimento das cadeias produtivas da Economia da Cultura no País;
2. Promover a descentralização e/ou o aumento da oferta de bens e/ou serviços culturais no País;
3. Promover a articulação entre instituições culturais, governo, empresas e sociedade civil visando dinamizar a atividade econômica;
4. Promover a inclusão social por meio da arte e da cultura, da educação patrimonial e da capacitação de mão de obra.
até dia 31 de julho e 31 de outubro de 2017.
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The Postdoctoral Fellowships enable philosophers of science within five years of their doctorates to spend a two-term academic year working in the center for Philosophy of Science on a project in philosophy of science that they nominate. The Center encourages applications from assistant professors in the early stages of their careers as well as from scholars with newly awarded doctorates.
até dia 15 de dezembro de 2017.
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The Biodesign Innovation Fellowship is a launch pad for initiating, redirecting, or accelerating a career in health technology. Learn a proven, team-based approach for identifying important unmet health needs, developing novel diagnostics, devices, or digital technologies to address them, and preparing to bring those products into patient care to improve lives everywhere.
até dia 17 de agosto de 2017.
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Acompanhar pequenos grupos de alunos do Ensino Básico em um projeto de iniciação científica. Os encontros são semanais e se encerram com o Mural da Ciência, evento que segue os moldes de um congresso científico e serve para avaliar os resultados alcançados pelos estudantes. Os profissionais que colaboram com os programas da Casa da Ciência ganham na formação acadêmica e pessoal, além de terem direito a certificado referente à colaboração.
até dia 15 de agosto de 2017.
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Hogan Lovells International LLP (Hogan Lovells) aims to satisfy its clients through a deep understanding of their needs, their businesses, and their industries, and by providing excellent, responsive, and innovative service. The Community Solar Innovation Awards recognizes and supports outstanding eco-inclusive businesses and not-for-profit organizations in developing countries that use solar energy or technologies to benefit lives in poor communities.
até dia 18 de agosto de 2017.
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The object of the Association shall be to stimulate young surgeons and surgical scientists to pursue careers in academic surgery and support them in establishing themselves as investigators and educators. The intent of the Joel J. Roslyn Faculty Research Award – which is supported by the Journal of Surgical Research and its publisher, Elsevier Science – is to provide early-career research support to junior faculty members of the AAS.
até dia 07 de agosto de 2017.
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The Population Council conducts research to address critical health and development issues. Its work allows couples to plan their families and chart their futures. The Population Council helps people avoid HIV infection and access life-saving HIV services, and it empowers girls to protect themselves and have a say in their own lives. The Population Council offers pre- and postdoctoral Biomedical Fellowships for advanced study in basic and translational reproductive sciences and HIV and AIDS. Fellows train in the laboratories of the Council’s Center for Biomedical Research located on the campus of The Rockefeller University in New York City.
durante todo o ano.
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Selecionar propostas para apoio financeiro a projetos que visem contribuir significativamente para o desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico do país. As propostas devem observar as condições específicas que determinam os requisitos relativos ao proponente, cronograma, recursos financeiros a serem aplicados nas propostas aprovadas, origem dos recursos, itens financiáveis, prazo para execução dos projetos, critérios de elegibilidade, critérios e parâmetros objetivos de julgamento e demais informações necessárias.
até 07 de agosto de 2017.
Mais informações no site.