Objetivo: To fund Letters of Intentions focusing on Friedrich’s Ataxia research that relies on international collaboration among investigators in at least two different countries. Special consideration will be given to proposals that bring new scientists to the FA community. The rationale for the collaboration needs to be convincing and must clearly demonstrate that the research goals could not be achieved by just one of the participating groups and that the synergy among the groups is essential for the success of the project.
Inscrições: até 15 de maio de 2018
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Objetivo: The Research Traveling Fellowship spans at least five months at one medical center (other than the facility at which the applicant currently practices). The Fellowship primarily covers the costs of travel and housing and typically ranges from $3,000-$7,000.
Inscrições: até 14 de maio de 2018
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Objetivo: The Clinical Traveling Fellowship spans at least one month to be spent in three to five different medical centers studying spine techniques. The centers selected by the applicant should agree in writing to accept the applicant if he/she receives the Fellowship. The Fellowship primarily covers the costs of travel and housing and typically ranges from $3,000-$7,000.
Inscrições: até 14 de maio de 2018
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Apoio financeiroExterior
Objetivo: To offer Emergency Grants to graduate women who face an unforeseen financial crisis (not with their fees) whilst engaged in study or research at an approved institution of higher education in Great Britain.
Inscrições: até 11 de maio de 2018
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Objetivo: To foster the development and productivity of young scientists who have potential to make significant contributions to MS research and help ensure the future and stability of MS research. The Career Transition Fellowship targets current postdoctoral trainees who demonstrate both commitment and exceptional potential to conduct MS-related research. The award provides approximately $550,000 over five years to support a two-year period of advanced postdoctoral training in MS research and the first three years of research support in a new faculty appointment.
Inscrições: até 09 de maio de 2018
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Objetivo: To help mid-career researchers from low- and middle-income countries establish independent research programmes in those countries. The scheme aims to support research that will improve public health and tropical medicine at a local, national and global level.
Inscrições: até 09 de maio de 2018
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Objetivo: To promote innovative research that addresses one or both of the following objectives: devise optimal strategies to improve the identification of persons unaware of their HIV-1 infection and successfully link them to HIV testing, treatment, and prevention interventions; or develop and examine the feasibility and acceptability of novel integrated interventions of biomedical and behavioral strategies that substantially reduce the likelihood of onward HIV transmission in these populations.
Inscrições: até 09 de maio de 2018
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Objetivo: To support studies that will evaluate HIV drug resistance and its relationship to treatment success. Applications are sought proposing studies of genotype/phenotype correlations in diverse subtypes, the relationship between minority variants and treatment outcomes and on the reasons for the discordance between genotype and treatment success or failure. Laboratory evaluations of samples with clinical correlates in patients on recommended regimens are encouraged.
Inscrições: até 08 de maio de 2018
Mais informações em R01 e R21.
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Objetivo: To support the writing-up of already completed research. The fellowship is awarded to scholars in the earlier stages of their careers, when they frequently lack the time and resources to develop their research for publication.
Inscrições: até 01 de maio de 2018
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Objetivo: To offer a limited number of visiting fellowships, to enable surgeons at an advanced training stage in cardio-thoracic surgery to visit some leading institution(s) of their choice in Europe.
Inscrições: todos os anos, até 01 de maio e 01 de setembro
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