AvH – Humboldt Research Award

16/02/2018 09:46

Objetivo: The award is granted in recognition of a researcher’s entire achievements to date to academics whose fundamental discoveries, new theories, or insights have had a significant impact on their own discipline and who are expected to continue producing cutting-edge achievements in the future. Award winners are invited to spend a period of up to one year cooperating on a long-term research project with specialist colleagues at a research institution in Germany. The stay may be divided up into blocks.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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AvH – Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Awards

16/02/2018 09:20

Objetivo: The Humboldt Foundation grants about 20 Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Awards annually. Award winners are honoured for their outstanding research record and invited to spend a period of up to one year cooperating on a long-term research project with specialist colleagues at a research institution in Germany. The stay may be divided up into blocks.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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Harry S. Truman Library and Museum – Research Grants 2018

15/02/2018 08:15

Objetivo: Research Grants of up to $2,500 are awarded twice annually to offset the cost of conducting research at the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum. Funding is calculated on the following basis: 1) $75 for any night spent in Independence, Missouri to cover lodging and meals; 2) airfare based on the best advance-coach fare available; 3) $100 allowance for photocopying (ground transportation, including rental car fees, will not be reimbursed).

Inscrições: todos os anos, até 01 de abril e 01 de outubro

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

Author Services Inc. – Writers of the Future Contests

08/02/2018 11:24

Objetivo: To offer an opportunity for new science fiction and fantasy artists worldwide to have their work judged by some of the masters in the field and discovered by a wide audience, through a contest. The Contest is open to new and amateur artists who have not been professionally published and paid for more than three black-and-white story illustrations, or more than one process-color painting, in media distributed broadly to the general public.

Inscrições: todos os anos, até 01 de abril, 01 de julho e 01 de outubro

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Erasmus Mundus Consortium in Color in Informatics and Media Technology (CIMET)/ Color in Science and Industry (COSI): Grants for Visiting Scholars 2018/2020

01/02/2018 10:58

Objetivo: To train the next generation of highly-skilled industrial experts in applied colour science, in various cutting-edge industries (photonics, optics, spectral imaging, multimedia technologies, computer graphics and vision) in a diverse range of sectors (including multimedia, health care, cosmetic, automotive, food-processing).  The two areas of focus are spectral technologies and applied colour imaging.

Inscrições: até 16 de março de 2018

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Chamada Fapesp nº64/2017 – Joint Research Workshop 2018

30/01/2018 09:39

Objetivo: The purpose of this program is to encourage young researchers to share knowledge, experience and ideas in the research areas stipulated in the call for proposals, to provide them with a career development opportunity, and to build networks for future collaborations among them that may lead to the development of new research areas.

Inscrições: até 13 de março de 2018

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

Programa de Apoio à Tradução e à Publicação de Autores Brasileiros no Exterior

26/01/2018 08:32

Objetivo: O edital Programa de Apoio à Tradução e à Publicação de Autores Brasileiros no Exterior contempla editoras estrangeiras e de países de língua portuguesa (CPLP) que desejam traduzir e publicar obras de autores brasileiros.

Inscrições: até 05 de março de 2018

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Tags: Apoio financeiroBrasil

APS – Fund for Teaching and Public Understanding of Psychological Science 2018

22/01/2018 09:26

Objetivo: To encourage the development of evidence-demonstrated interventions that apply well-established principles to improve the teaching of psychological science. The objective is to extend the validity of research from controlled contexts to naturalistic post-secondary learning environments, to determine the necessary conditions for interventions to succeed, and ultimately to design the strategies needed for others to implement successful interventions in their own teaching contexts.

Inscrições: até 01 de março de 2018

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

AvH – Fraunhofer-Bessel Research Award

02/01/2018 10:39

Objetivo: Scientists and scholars from all non-European countries, who completed their doctorates less than 18 years ago, who are internationally recognised for their achievements in the field of applied research, and who in future are expected to continue producing cutting-edge achievements which will have a seminal influence on their discipline beyond their immediate field of work, are eligible to be nominated for a Fraunhofer-Bessel Research Award.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio