[prêmio] TAU – Dan David Prize 2018

21/09/2017 13:47

The Dan David Prize is a joint international corporation, endowed by the Dan David Foundation and headquartered at Tel Aviv University. The Prize recognizes and encourages innovative and interdisciplinary research that cuts across traditional boundaries and paradigms. It aims to foster universal values of excellence, creativity, justice, democracy and progress and to promote the scientific, technological and humanistic achievements that advance and improve our world.

até 30 de novembro de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExteriorPrêmio

[evento] International Conferences WSEAS – World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society

21/09/2017 13:19

MATREFC ’18 – 6th International Conference on Management, Marketing, Tourism, Retail, Finance and Computer Applications;
EEESD ’18 – 14th International Conference on Energy, Environment, Ecosystems and Sustainable Development;
MCBC ’18 – 15th International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Biology and Chemistry;
CEA ’18 – 11th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications;
AMTA ’18 – 15th International Conference on Acoustics & Music: Theory & Applications;
MCBE ’18 – 15th International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Business and Economics;
ICBA ’18 – 12th International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Business Administration;
CSST ’18 – 11th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Signal and Telecommunications.

dias 19 a 21 de janeiro de 2018.

Submissões de trabalhos:
até 19 de novembro de 2017.

Budapeste, Hungria.


Tags: Exterior

[chamada] Swiss National Science Foundation – Prima Grants 2017

20/09/2017 18:21

The Prima Grants are aimed at excellent female researchers from Switzerland and abroad who aspire to a professorship in Switzerland. Prima grantees lead their own research project at a Swiss higher education institution. They work independently and have a team of their own. A Prima grant comprises the grantee’s salary and project funds for a duration of up to five years, the possibility to plan a stay at another host institution and the offer of a mentoring network.

até 01 de novembro de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExterior

[prêmio] RAI – Curl Essay Prize 2017

20/09/2017 17:54

The Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) is the world’s longest-established scholarly association dedicated to the furtherance of anthropology (the study of humankind) in its broadest and most inclusive sense. The Institute is a non-profit-making registered charity and is entirely independent. The Curl Essay Prize will be awarded to the author of the best essay, of not more than 10,000 words excluding notes and references, relating to the results or analysis of anthropological work. Submitted essays should be of publishable quality.

até 31 de outubro de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExteriorPrêmio

[chamada] NDIAS – Graduate Student Fellowships 2018/2019

20/09/2017 17:40

The Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study (NDIAS) is dedicated to fostering and supporting integrative scholarship addressing ultimate questions at the intersection of the arts, engineering, humanities, law, and formal, natural, and social sciences, especially those that transcend disciplinary boundaries.The NDIAS offers Graduate Student Fellowships to advanced graduate students for a full academic year (fall and spring semesters, August through May).

até 16 de outubro de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExterior

[prêmio] NAS – John J. Carty Award for the Advancement of Science 2018

20/09/2017 16:16

The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) is a private, non-profit society of distinguished scholars. Established by an Act of Congress, signed by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863, the NAS is charged with providing independent, objective advice to the nation on matters related to science and technology. The John J. Carty Award for the Advancement of Science is awarded every two years, to recognize noteworthy and distinguished accomplishments in any field of science within the National Academy of Science’s charter. The American Telephone and Telegraph Company established the Award to honor the memory of their Chief Engineer, Vice President, and general telecommunications innovator, John J. Carty. The Carty Award will be presented in 2018 in the field of economics.

até 02 de outubro de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExteriorPrêmio

[prêmio] Prêmio SEPLAN de Monografias 2017

13/09/2017 18:16

Apresentar novas ideias e contribuições sobre os temas propostos, que propiciem o aperfeiçoamento do planejamento governamental, o aprimoramento das políticas públicas e ampliem o debate sobre as reformas econômicas para maior eficácia e efetividade das políticas e programas governamentais, além da melhoria do ambiente de negócios no Brasil.

até dia 31 de outubro de 2017.

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Tags: BrasilEditalPrêmio

[evento] CBIE – Congresso Brasileiro de Informática da Educação

13/09/2017 17:34

CBIE – Congresso Brasileiro de Informática da Educação: Aprendizagem das Coisas.

de 30 de outubro a 02 de novembro de 2017.

até 02 de novembro de 2017.

Recife, Brasil.

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Tags: Brasil

[chamada] Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund – Grants 2017

12/09/2017 16:46

The Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund (VGIF) awards single-year Grants through an open call for applications, as well as multi-year (three year) project grants by invitation only. VGIF envisions a world where gender equality prevails and where women and girls can access or create opportunities for themselves and the greater community. It believes that investing in women-led grassroots initiatives can have a life-affirming impact that changes lives and empowers women and girls.

até dia 02 de outubro de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExterior