The Centre for International Mobility (Cimo) awards scholarships for foreign postgraduate students and young researches to carry out postgraduate studies and research and teaching in Finnish universities. The scholarship programme seeks to increase mobility to Finland, to support the internationalisation of research and teaching and to foster links between Finnish and foreign universities. The primary target group in the Cimo Fellowships Programme are Doctoral level students who will be doing their Doctorate (or Double Doctorate) at a Finnish university.
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A Ortobom realiza importantes Apoios e Patrocínios a projetos de todo o Brasil. Em ordem de prioridade, seguem os eventos/projetos de seu interesse:
1. Eventos/projetos médicos, ligados ao sono, à postura, à fisioterapia, à ortopedia e ao bem estar;
2. Eventos/projetos ligados à preservação ambiental;
3. Eventos/projetos ligados à sustentabilidade;
4. Eventos/projetos ligados à tecnologia;
5. Feiras de Ciências;
6. Esportes que tenham ligados a sua imagem qualidade de vida e contato com a natureza (corridas, caminhas ecológicas, yoga, barco a vela, ciclismo, etc. Esportes onde o objetivo é a participação e não a competição);
7. Esportes que tenham na sua execução o uso de espumas e derivados (ginástica olímpica, salto com vara);
8. Eventos/projetos ligados à cultura (que valorize a cultura nacional ou tenha cunho educativo à sociedade);
9. Eventos/projetos sociais.
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The International Short Visits is aimed at researchers in Switzerland who wish to go abroad for a short period or researchers abroad who wish to collaborate with researchers in Switzerland. During the visit, they pursue a small joint research project. Short visits may last from one week to three months.
There are no geographical and topical restrictions.
The guest needs to fulfil the following requirements:
1. Hold a doctorate, or a comparable degree;
2. Be employed as a researcher in his/her home institution;
3. Establish or renew cooperation between home and guest institution as a result of the visit;
4. Must not have received a grant under this scheme within the last three years.
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Objetivo: O Rotary é uma rede global de líderes comunitários, amigos e vizinhos que se unem para causar mudanças positivas e duradouras em suas cidades e pelo mundo. Por meio de projetos sustentáveis em diversas áreas, como alfabetização, paz, saúde e recursos hídricos, o Rotary sempre procura maneiras de criar um mundo melhor.
Os Subsídios Globais podem financiar:
1.Projetos humanitários;
2.Bolsas para estudos acadêmicos em nível de graduação;
3.Equipes de formação profissional, ou seja, grupos de profissionais que viajam para o exterior para ensinar profissionais locais ou aprender com eles.
Inscrições: Os pedidos são aceitos durante todo o ano. No entanto, solicitações que envolvam viagem devem ser enviadas noventa dias antes das datas de partida.
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The Global Innovation Fund (GIF) is nonprofit innovation fund headquartered in London. The GIF invests in social innovations that aim to improve the lives and opportunities of millions of people in the developing world. GIF supports breakthrough solutions to global development challenges from social enterprises, for-profit firms, non-profit organisations, international organisations and researchers. The GIF Funds invests in a range of innovations with strong potential for social impact at a large scale. GIF defines ‘innovation’ broadly to include new business models, policy practices, technologies, behavioural insights, or ways of delivering products and services that benefit the poor in developing countries, any solution that has potential to address an important development problem more effectively than existing approaches. GIF is interested in innovations that enable greater social impacts to be achieved compared to current practices.
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Com relação ao Edital Bolsas de Produtividade em Pesquisa (PQ) e de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Extensão Inovadora (DT)/2017, o CNPq informa que as inscrições serão abertas, em data a ser confirmada, até o início de julho/2017.
Os recursos já estão garantidos, mas não haverá aumento no número de bolsas.
O atraso se deu por questões meramente técnicas internas (ajustes no sistema).
O Calendário de Avaliações será mantido, ou seja, o julgamento será em novembro/2017.
The National Geographic Society (NGS) is a global nonprofit organization committed to exploring and protecting our planet. Every day, National Geographic works to promote science and conservation across the planet, and we couldn’t do it without your generosity. NGS awards grants for research, conservation, education, and storytelling through its Committee for Research and Exploration. An Early Career Grant application is a request for funding that offers individuals their first opportunity to lead their own project. All proposed projects must be novel and exploratory, and be of broad interest. National Geographic Society grant-funded projects should be bold, innovative, and transformative.
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The Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) was launched in 1976 and is a part of FAO s Regular Programme, financed from the assessed contributions of its Members. The TCP is one of FAO s tools for contributing to the achievement of the UN Millennium Development Goals and particularly the goal of eradicating extreme poverty and hunger. The Programme aims to provide FAOs technical expertise to its Member countries through targeted, short term, catalytic projects. The projects address technical problems in the field of agriculture, fisheries, forestry and rural livelihood that prevent Member countries, either individually or collectively, from implementing their development programmes.
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Inscrições: durante todo o ano
The Development Innovation Ventures (DIV) supports breakthrough solutions to the world’s most intractable development challenges by finding and testing bold ideas that could change millions of lives at a fraction of the usual cost. The DIV model begins with an open grant competition for innovative ideas, pilots and tests them using cutting-edge analytical methods, and scales solutions that demonstrate widespread impact and cost-effectiveness.
DIV provides financing at Three Stages along an innovation’s growth path.
Applicants can apply at any stage, and those who have received funding at a prior stage must compete to advance to the next stage:
Stage 1: Proof of Concept/Initial Testing;
Stage 2: Testing and Positioning for Scale;
Stage 3: Transitioning Proven Solutions to Scale.
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The Young Researchers Award aims to foster innovative research and discovery in biodiversity informatics by graduate students who are working with GBIF-enabled data in master’s and doctoral studies. Graduate students must be enrolled in a university s masters or doctoral programme to be eligible to submit a proposal to the Programme.
até 15 de julho de 2017
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