Ucla – Clark Short-Term Fellowships 2020

14/01/2020 08:55

Objetivo: Fellowship support is available to scholars with research projects that require work in any area of the Clark Library’s collections. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree or have equivalent academic experience. Awards are for periods of one to three months in residence.

Inscrições: até 01 de fevereiro de 2020

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Ucla – Ahmanson-Getty Postdoctoral Fellowships 2020

14/01/2020 08:52

Objetivo: The theme-based resident fellowship program, established with the support of the Ahmanson Foundation and the J. Paul Getty Trust, is designed to promote the participation of junior scholars in the Center’s yearlong core program. Awards are for three consecutive quarters in residence at the Clark. Scholars must have received their doctorates in the last six years, and their research should pertain to the announced theme.

Inscrições: até 01 de fevereiro de 2020

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American University Washington College of Law – Human Rights Essay Award 2020

14/01/2020 08:43

Objetivo: The Human Rights Essay Award is an annual competition sponsored by the Academy that seeks to stimulate the production of scholarly work in international human rights law. Participants have the flexibility to choose any subject related to the assigned topic. The essay must be a legal article. The Academy will grant two Awards, one for the best article in English and one for the best article in Spanish.

Inscrições: até 01 de fevereiro de 2020

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Prince Claus Fund – Cultural Emergency Response Programme (CER): First Aid to Documentary Heritage under Threat 2019

13/01/2020 09:35

Objetivo: To facilitate the vital work of safeguarding physical objects and making the information they carry accessible to a wider public for generations to come. In doing so, we hope to contribute to the appreciation of cultural achievement and historical diversity and foster the worldwide dissemination of forgotten or endangered stories.

Inscrições: até 17 de fevereiro de 2020

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

XX ENDIPE – Rio 2020

09/01/2020 10:30

Objetivo: A proposta para a 20ª edição do ENDIPE, a se realizar no Rio de Janeiro em 2020, é promover um amplo diálogo com os diferentes atores sociais, visibilizar e socializar práticas educativas insurgentes, valorizar a profissão docente, favorecer a superação do “formato escolar” dominante  e reinventar a escola.

Submissões: até 31 de janeiro de 2020

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Tags: Brasil

CNPq/Confap/Fapesp/British Council – Famelab 2019

08/01/2020 09:50

Objetivo: Promover a aproximação entre cientistas e público em geral e incentivar o desenvolvimento de competências de comunicação entre pesquisadores.

Inscrições: até 31 de janeiro de 2020

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Tags: Apoio financeiroBrasilCNPq

MGAEF – Environmental Curricula Grants 2019

07/01/2020 09:57

Objetivo: The Melinda Gray Foundation seeks to contribute to the development, implementation and/or field testing of environmental curricula that meet the mission, goals and the following requirements: integrate field activities and classroom teaching and incorporate basic ecological principles and problem solving.

Inscrições: até 25 de janeiro de 2020

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HBI – Scholars-in Residence Programs 2019

07/01/2020 09:18

Objetivo: The HBI Scholars in Residence Program is open to scholars working on any aspect of Jewish women’s and gender studies in order to devote time to their research. These residencies take place during the academic year and range from two months to a full semester. Applications for a full academic year will be considered.

Inscrições: até 23 de janeiro de 2020

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior