Objetivo: To offer funds to help students with the costs of taking part in organised work placements (internships, exchange programmes, work placements etc.) in automotive companies and research institutions overseas.
Inscrições: todos os anos, até 31 de março e 31 de outubro
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Apoio financeiroExterior
Objetivo: To recognise and highlight innovative, outstanding and sometimes revolutionary housing ideas, projects and programmes from across the world. Each year two winners receive £10,000 each and a trophy, presented at a global UN-Habitat event.
Inscrições: até 31 de março de 2018
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Objetivo: Reunir profissionais, pesquisadores e acadêmicos da área de computação, a fim de discutir as tendências de pesquisa e mercado da computação em suas mais diversas áreas. O evento procura unir o útil ao agradável em prol de um intercâmbio de experiências, discutindo de maneira informal, porém técnica, misturando atividades técnico-científicas com atividades de lazer, ao ar livre, das quais se pode desfrutar nas praias de Florianópolis durante o verão.
Inscrições: até 22 de março de 2018
Data: 22 a 24 de março de 2018
Local: Univali – Campus Florianópolis – SC
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Objetivo: To train the next generation of highly-skilled industrial experts in applied colour science, in various cutting-edge industries (photonics, optics, spectral imaging, multimedia technologies, computer graphics and vision) in a diverse range of sectors (including multimedia, health care, cosmetic, automotive, food-processing). The two areas of focus are spectral technologies and applied colour imaging.
Inscrições: até 16 de março de 2018
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Objetivo: To offer access to the synchrotron radiation facility Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste in Trieste in the years 2002-2021 to scientists who are citizens of and work in developing countries. The programme is offering a limited number of grants to cover travel and living expenses of individuals and small groups using beamtime at Elettra.
Inscrições: todos os anos, até 15 de março e 15 de setembro
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Objetivo: The purpose of this program is to encourage young researchers to share knowledge, experience and ideas in the research areas stipulated in the call for proposals, to provide them with a career development opportunity, and to build networks for future collaborations among them that may lead to the development of new research areas.
Inscrições: até 13 de março de 2018
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Apoio financeiroExterior
Objetivo: O edital Programa de Apoio à Tradução e à Publicação de Autores Brasileiros no Exterior contempla editoras estrangeiras e de países de língua portuguesa (CPLP) que desejam traduzir e publicar obras de autores brasileiros.
Inscrições: até 05 de março de 2018
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Apoio financeiroBrasil
Objetivo: To offer a fellowship to students who are active in any of the following areas: scientific, engineering-based, legal, economic, health-related or social aspects of climate change. And also are interested in spending a year working with a host of their choice in Germany on a research-based project they have developed theirself in the field of climate protection and climate-related resource conservation.
Inscrições: até 01 de março de 2018
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Objetivo: To offer a scholarship to a student of optical design, where the term ‘optical design’ is meant to include both lens design and illumination design. The award is a grant award in the amount of $5,000.
Inscrições: até 28 de fevereiro de 2018
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Objetivo: Scientists and scholars from all non-European countries, who completed their doctorates less than 18 years ago, who are internationally recognised for their achievements in the field of applied research, and who in future are expected to continue producing cutting-edge achievements which will have a seminal influence on their discipline beyond their immediate field of work, are eligible to be nominated for a Fraunhofer-Bessel Research Award.
Inscrições: durante todo o ano
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