Objetivo: To offer fellowships to PhD students from developing countries in the fields of physics and mathematics. STEP’s goal is to strengthen the scientific capability of young scientists and researchers from developing countries to better contribute and serve the scientific, technical, and economic development of their home countries. STEP fellowships enrich their doctoral studies by giving students access to ICTP’s and the IAEA’s international community and world-class research and training facilities.
Inscrições: todos os anos, de 15 de dezembro à 15 de maio do ano seguinte.
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Objetivo: To provide financial support to researchers who wish to develop or finalise a project, or need a place to meet and work in a stress-free environment.
Inscrições: acontecem duas vezes ao ano, todos os anos, até 14 de maio para a seleção de julho e até 22 de outubro para a seleção de dezembro.
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Apoio financeiroExterior
Objetivo: To support study/research/teaching/artistic mobility of international students, PhD students, university teachers, researchers and artists at higher education institutions and research organizations. It supports two-way mobility – international scholarship holders to Slovakia, as well as Slovak scholarship holders abroad. The programme offers scholarships to cover living costs during the stay and travel allowances (all categories in case of scholarship holders from Slovakia; students and PhD students in case of international scholarship holders).
Inscrições: todos os anos, até 31 de abril e 31 de outubro
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Objetivo: To extend facilities of scientific infrastructure and expertise of India to scientists and researchers from other developing countries. The Fellowship is intended for researchers(Nationals) from developing countries except India, who have aptitude for research and would be desirous of working in an Indian research laboratory for a maximum period of 3 months.
Inscrições: todos os anos, até 30 de abril e 30 de outubro
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Objetivo: To offer PhD and postdoctoral scholarships to researchers based in the fields of the education, technology transfer and sustainable development in developing world.
Inscrições: todos os anos, até 15 de abril e 15 de junho
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Objetivo: To recognize distinguished contributions to electrochemical science. The award is named in honor of Allen J. Bard, in recognition of his outstanding advancements in electrochemical science. The recipient will be distinguished for paradigm shifting contributions in the fields of electrochemical science and recognized for exceptionally creative experimental or theoretical studies that have opened new directions in electroanalytical chemistry or electrocatalysis.
Inscrições: todos os anos, até 15 de abril
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Objetivo: The award is granted in recognition of a researcher’s entire achievements to date to academics whose fundamental discoveries, new theories, or insights have had a significant impact on their own discipline and who are expected to continue producing cutting-edge achievements in the future. Award winners are invited to spend a period of up to one year cooperating on a long-term research project with specialist colleagues at a research institution in Germany. The stay may be divided up into blocks.
Inscrições: durante todo o ano
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Objetivo: The TRIL Programme offers scientists from developing countries the opportunity to undertake training and research in an Italian laboratory in different branches of the physical sciences. The aim of the programme is to promote, through direct contacts and side-by-side high-level research, collaborations between the Italian scientific community and individuals, groups and institutions in developing countries. This programme thus addresses an important aspect of the mission of ICTP, namely to help form and strengthen a permanent scientific expertise in developing countries, cognisant of local needs and resources and of the frontiers of science and technology, and to provide support towards a sustainable capacity in basic and applied research that can help their nations’ progress.
Inscrições: durante todo o ano
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Apoio financeiroExterior
Objetivo: The Humboldt Foundation grants about 20 Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Awards annually. Award winners are honoured for their outstanding research record and invited to spend a period of up to one year cooperating on a long-term research project with specialist colleagues at a research institution in Germany. The stay may be divided up into blocks.
Inscrições: durante todo o ano
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Objetivo: To fund researchs from all areas of the sciences and engineering. The Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research (GIAR) program has provided undergraduate and graduate students with valuable educational experiences since 1922. By encouraging close working relationships between students and mentors, the program promotes scientific excellence and achievement through hands-on learning.
Inscrições: todos os anos, até 15 de março e 01 de outubro
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