Claude Leon Foundation – Postdoctoral Fellowships 2019

14/03/2018 10:34

Objetivo: To help build research capacity in South African universities and research institutions. The Foundation funds both South African and foreign postdoctoral scientists in Science, Engineering and Medical Sciences to increase the volume and quality of research output, develop and transfer technical skills, and generally enhance the research culture in South Africa.

Inscrições: até 31 de maio de 2018

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Erasmus Mundus Consortium in Sustainable Constructions under Natural Hazards and Catastrophic Events (SUSCOS): Master Scholarships for non-Eu Students 2018/2020

09/03/2018 10:02

Objetivo: To offer scholarships at the Master’s course of Sustainable Constructions. The focus of master course SUSCOS_M is to provide attendees the engineering ability and know-how to design and construct structures in a balanced approach between economic, environmental and social aspects, enhancing the sustainability and competitiveness of the steel industry.

Inscrições: até 15 de maio de 2018

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Edital Capes nº02/2018 – Programa MATH-AmSud/Capes

09/03/2018 09:57

Objetivo: Fomentar o intercâmbio entre Instituições de Ensino Superior sulamericanas e francesas; fomentar a colaboração e o intercâmbio científico entre grupos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento brasileiros, sul-americanos e franceses além de fomentar a mobilidade de docentes e de estudantes de pós-graduação no nível de doutorado e de pós-doutorado. Este Edital visa selecionar até 5 (cinco) projetos conjuntos de pesquisa para início das atividades a partir de janeiro de 2019, no âmbito da área de Matemática, mediante decisão conjunta entre as agências financiadoras e disponibilidade orçamentária e financeira da Capes.

Inscrições: até 15 de maio de 2018

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Edital Capes nº01/2018 – Programa STIC-AmSud/Capes

09/03/2018 09:51

Objetivo: Fomentar o intercâmbio entre Instituições de Ensino Superior sul-americanas e francesas; fomentar a colaboração e o intercâmbio científico entre grupos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento brasileiros, sul-americanos e franceses além de fomentar a mobilidade de docentes e de estudantes de pós-graduação no nível de doutorado e de pós-doutorado. Este Edital visa selecionar até 5 (cinco) projetos conjuntos de pesquisa para início das atividades a partir de janeiro de 2019, no âmbito da área das Ciências e Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação, mediante decisão conjunta entre as agências financiadoras e disponibilidade orçamentária e financeira da Capes.

Inscrições: até 15 de maio de 2018

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21º World Congress of Soil Science

08/03/2018 09:49

Objetivo: To promote a space for debating questions about agriculture and soil  sciences, and also answer questions such as “how to feed a hungry planet?”; “how to fuel an energy-hungry planet?”; “how to quench a thirsty planet?”; “how to clean up our polluted planet?”; “how to reach a balance between protection of biodiversity and sustainable land management for agriculture production?”… These, among many other questions, are subjects related to the multiple functions of soil.

Inscrições: até 12 de maio de 2018

Data: 12 17 de agosto de 2018

Local: Rio de Janeiro, RJ

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Tags: Brasil

Funds for Women Graduates – Emergency Grants 2018

08/03/2018 09:41

Objetivo: To offer Emergency Grants to graduate women who face an unforeseen financial crisis (not with their fees) whilst engaged in study or research at an approved institution of higher education in Great Britain.

Inscrições: até 11 de maio de 2018

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Max Planck Society – International Max Planck Research School Mathematics in the Sciences (IMPRS) PhD Fellowships

06/03/2018 18:01

Objetivo: To lead interested graduate students towards research problems in physical and life sciences. This involves a broad range of mathematical fields, including geometry, partial differential equations and functional analysis, stochastics, and discrete mathematics.

Inscrições: até 01 de maio de 2018

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UCPH – Marie Curie PhD Fellows in Computer Science 2018

06/03/2018 17:57

Objetivo: Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science at University of Copenhagen is searching for two Marie Curie PhD fellows interested in pushing the boundaries of rapid biomechanics simulation for personalized clinical design with us. They will be enrolled as PhD students in Computer Science commencing 1 September 2018 or as soon as possible thereafter: Position 1 seeks to investigate the use of finite element analysis for understanding of pre-arthrosis deformities and related surgeries. Position 2 seeks to investigate real-time physically- based deformable registration techniques to align these 3D geometries to intra-operative images.

Inscrições: até 01 de maio de 2018

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