Takeda Foundation – Young Entrepreneurship Award 2019

24/05/2019 07:39

Objetivo: The Award targets young entrepreneurs or entrepreneurial individuals who challenge technological or social needs in the real world. The Takeda Foundation believes that the challenging activities of young individuals trying to address real technological and social needs will lead to the creation of goods and services that enhance the well-being of people throughout the world, which is the mission of the Foundation.

Inscrições: até 28 de junho de 2019

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio

Semana do Meio Ambiente – UFSC

22/05/2019 08:01

A Semana do Meio Ambiente ocorrerá entre os dias 1º e 8 de junho, no Campus Trindade.

Seu objetivo é promover a sustentabilidade por meio de palestras, oficinas, visitas técnicas, exibição de filmes, mutirões de limpeza e plantio de árvores, apresentações artísticas, entre outros. As atividades são gratuitas e abertas a toda a comunidade.

Nas mesas redondas desta edição as temáticas abordadas serão: “O Impacto do consumo da carne no Meio Ambiente”, “Flexibilização do Licenciamento Ambiental: uma análise crítica” e “Perspectivas Ambientais para o Brasil”, com a participação de  reconhecidos palestrantes.

Todas as atividades do evento, que solicitam inscrições, dão direito à certificado de horas complementares. As demais atividades são de acesso livre.

Não perca essa oportunidade! Inscreva-se pelos links abaixo. Vagas limitadas.

 Inscrições Mesas Redondashttps://bit.ly/2YceZJE

 Inscrições Visitas Técnicashttps://bit.ly/2Jb1Gpl

→ Inscrições Oficinashttps://bit.ly/2J9Shyn

 Inscrições Outras Atividadeshttps://bit.ly/2WxAPac

→ Inscrições Ecoday – http://bit.ly/2VEBsSQ

Para saber mais sobre as atividades e palestrantes, acesse o link.

Tags: Brasil

Evento sobre “Bases moleculares das doenças inflamatórias”- Ribeirão Preto

22/05/2019 07:49

Objetivo: We are pleased to announce that from 04th – 14th November 2019 we will be running the “São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Molecular Basis of Inflammatory Diseases “. Organized by the Center for Research in Inflammatory Diseases (CRID) of Ribeirão Preto Medical School of University of São Paulo (FMRP/USP), the School is one of the São Paulo School of Advanced Science supported by Fapesp (São Paulo Research Foundation) and will cover the most relevant topics on inflammation and inflammatory diseases.

Data: 04 a 14 de novembro de 2019

Inscrições: até 23 de junho de 2019

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Tags: Brasil

University of St Andrews – St Andrews Prize for the Environment 2020

22/05/2019 00:56

Objetivo: The 2020 St Andrews Prize for the Environment is now open for entries. To enter the Prize the project must meet our strict entry criteria. Please review the below statements and use the check boxes to confirm the project you are submitting is eligible.

Inscrições: até 21 de junho de 2019

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio

2º Simpósio Internacional de Inovação em Educação Superior

21/05/2019 09:48

Submissões: até 20 de junho de 2019

Inscrições: até 11 de setembro de 2019

Data: 11 a 13 de setembro de 2019

Local: Oceania Park Hotel Spa & Convention Center – Florianópolis, SC

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Tags: Brasil

NORD 2011 Request for Applications: Research Seed Money for Primary Orthostatic Tremor 2019

21/05/2019 09:39

Objetivo: The NORD Rare Disease Research Grant Program was established in 1989 to encourage meritorious scientific and clinical studies designed to improve the diagnosis or therapy of rare “orphan” diseases. Grants will be awarded to qualified researchers to initiate small scientific research studies or clinical trials, the results of which could be used to obtain funding from the NIH, FDA, or other funding agencies, or to attract a corporate sponsor. Procedures or proposed therapeutic trials may be new, based on recent biochemical or pharmacological evidence, or in preliminary stages of clinical investigation. Evaluation of proposals will include careful consideration of protocol design, objectiveness of parameters measured, and statistical evaluation proposed. Protocols that will focus on cause, early detection, diagnosis, or treatment (pharmacological, devices, surgery, or dietary) will be given priority.

Inscrições: até 18 de junho de 2019

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

NORD – Research Seed Money Grant for New-Onset Refractory Status Epilepticus (NORSE) and Febrile Infection-Related Epilepsy Syndrome (FIRES) 2019

21/05/2019 09:35

Objetivo: The NORD Rare Disease Research Grant Program was established in 1989 to encourage meritorious scientific and clinical studies designed to improve the diagnosis or therapy of rare “orphan” diseases. Grants will be awarded to qualified researchers to initiate small scientific research studies or clinical trials, the results of which could be used to obtain funding from the NIH, FDA, or other funding agencies, or to attract a corporate sponsor. Procedures or proposed therapeutic trials may be new, based on recent biochemical or pharmacological evidence, or in preliminary stages of clinical investigation. Evaluation of proposals will include careful consideration of protocol design, objectiveness of parameters measured, and statistical evaluation proposed. Protocols that will focus on cause, early detection, diagnosis, or treatment (pharmacological, devices, surgery, or dietary) will be given priority.

Inscrições: até 18 de junho de 2019

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

NORD – Research Seed Money Grant for Malonic Aciduria 2019

21/05/2019 09:32

Objetivo: The NORD Rare Disease Research Grant Program was established in 1989 to encourage meritorious scientific and clinical studies designed to improve the diagnosis or therapy of rare “orphan” diseases. Grants will be awarded to qualified researchers to initiate small scientific research studies or clinical trials, the results of which could be used to obtain funding from the NIH, FDA, or other funding agencies, or to attract a corporate sponsor. Procedures or proposed therapeutic trials may be new, based on recent biochemical or pharmacological evidence, or in preliminary stages of clinical investigation. Evaluation of proposals will include careful consideration of protocol design, objectiveness of parameters measured, and statistical evaluation proposed. Protocols that will focus on cause, early detection, diagnosis, or treatment (pharmacological, devices, surgery, or dietary) will be given priority.

Inscrições: até 18 de junho de 2019

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

NORD – Research Seed Money Grant for Biliary Atresia 2019

21/05/2019 09:31

Objetivo: The NORD Rare Disease Research Grant Program was established in 1989 to encourage meritorious scientific and clinical studies designed to improve the diagnosis or therapy of rare “orphan” diseases. Grants will be awarded to qualified researchers to initiate small scientific research studies or clinical trials, the results of which could be used to obtain funding from the NIH, FDA, or other funding agencies, or to attract a corporate sponsor. Procedures or proposed therapeutic trials may be new, based on recent biochemical or pharmacological evidence, or in preliminary stages of clinical investigation. Evaluation of proposals will include careful consideration of protocol design, objectiveness of parameters measured, and statistical evaluation proposed. Protocols that will focus on cause, early detection, diagnosis, or treatment (pharmacological, devices, surgery, or dietary) will be given priority.

Inscrições: até 18 de junho de 2019

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior