Getty Scholar Grants 2019

03/09/2019 09:28

Objetivo: Getty Scholar Grants are for established scholars, or writers who have attained distinction in their fields. Recipients are in residence at the Getty Research Institute or Getty Villa, where they pursue their own projects free from academic obligations, make use of Getty collections, join their colleagues in a weekly meeting devoted to an annual research theme, and participate in the intellectual life of the Getty.

Inscrições: até 01 de outubro de 2019

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Microbiology Society – Research Visit Grants

27/08/2019 11:42

Objetivo: The Society offers grants of up to £3,000 to support members who are planning a short (one- to three-month) research visit to another laboratory. This scheme supports innovative projects within established collaborations and the development of new collaborative initiatives.

Inscrições: até 01 de outubro de 2019

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IUBMB – Educational Activities

27/08/2019 11:41

Objetivo: The IUBMB is involved in a broad range of educational matters. It organizes or sponsors workshops, usually where participants can discuss modern education and related topics. It also distributes biochemistry textbooks and review journals without charge to scientists and teachers in developing areas and holds or sponsors symposia on education at regional biochemical meetings around the world. It also cooperates with the editors of Biochemical Education (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education) in identifying timely topics for presentation at symposia and workshops.

Inscrições: até 01 de outubro de 2019

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

SRS-Cotrel Foundation Basic Science Research Grant

26/08/2019 09:42

Objetivo: The SRS-Cotrel Foundation basic science research grants is for projects that will be performing work at the level of a small animal (rodent, fish, etc.) or smaller, including tissue, cellular, and molecular levels. Population genetics studies are also included in this category. Biomechanical studies will not be considered in this category.

Inscrições: até 01 de outubro de 2019

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Tags: Exterior

XV ENFOC – Encontro de Iniciação Científica

22/08/2019 10:07

Tema: Ciência, humanidade e inovação: desenvolvimento social, cultural e educativo nas fronteiras da bioeconomia.

Data: 08 e 09 de novembro de 2019

Inscrições: até 30 de setembro de 2019

Local: Curitiba – PR

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Tags: Brasil

Chamada CNPq/MCTIC N° 17/2019 – Síntese em Biodiversidade e Serviços Ecossistêmicos – SinBiose

22/08/2019 10:03

Objetivo: Apoiar projetos de pesquisa voltados a estudar relações entre Biodiversidade e Serviços Ecossistêmicos, podendo incluir a dimensão do bem-estar humano, e que visem contribuir significativamente com a missão do Centro de Síntese em Biodiversidade e Serviços Ecossistêmicos – SinBiose, regulamentado pela Resolução Normativa CNPq nº 007/2019.

Inscrições: até 30 de setembro de 2019

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Tags: Apoio financeiroBrasilCNPq