AvH – International Climate Protection Fellowships 2020

04/02/2020 10:16

Objetivo: To support future leaders from a non-European transition or developing country, active in the following areas: scientific, engineering-based, legal, economic, health-related or social aspects of climate change and interested in spending a year working with a host of your choice in Germany on a research-based project you have developed yourself in the field of climate protection and climate-related resource conservation.

Inscrições: até 01 de março de 2020

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Confap e UK Academies abrem oportunidades para mobilidade de pesquisadores brasileiros ao Reino Unido (2020-2021)

03/02/2020 10:12

Objetivo: O Conselho Nacional das Fundações Estaduais de Amparo à Pesquisa (Confap), no conjunto de suas Fundações, e as UK Academies – The Royal Society, The Academy of Medical Science e The British Academy – no contexto do Fundo Newton, estão com inscrições abertas para mobilidade de pesquisadores brasileiros ao Reino Unido em 2020 e 2021. Serão oferecidas pelas UK Academies duas opções de fomento para os pesquisadores brasileiros: o  Newton Advanced Fellowship e o Newton International Fellowship, totalizando cinco editais.

Inscrições: até 26 de março de 2020

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University of Pennsylvania – Ideas for Action Competition 2020

31/01/2020 09:27

Objetivo: To give young leaders a voice in the Global Development Conversation.

Inscrições: até 29 de fevereiro de 2020

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European Commission – Zukunftskolleg Konnect Fellowships

30/01/2020 09:07

Objetivo: The Zukunftskolleg Konnect Fellowships support early career researchers from Africa, Asia and Latin America related to one of the thirteen departments of the University of Konstanz. As ZUKOnnect Fellow, you can use this time to extend your research networks and to get to know the research environment at the University of Konstanz, without losing your ties to your home university.

Inscrições: até 28 de fevereiro de 2020

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Edital Nº 005/2019 – Apoio à Pesquisa Científica, Tecnológica e/ou Inovação em Doenças e Agravos prevalentes na População Negra e dos Povos de Comunidades Tradicionais, com ênfase em Doença Falciforme

29/01/2020 12:32

Objetivo: The Logan Science Journalism Program at the MBL, founded in 1986, offers professional science journalists, writers, editors, and broadcast journalists a chance to forget about story deadlines and immerse themselves in the process of basic environmetal research.

Inscrições: até 24 de fevereiro de 2020

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MBL – Logan Science Journalism Program: Environmental Hands-on Laboratory Course 2020

29/01/2020 09:23

Objetivo: The Logan Science Journalism Program at the MBL, founded in 1986, offers professional science journalists, writers, editors, and broadcast journalists a chance to forget about story deadlines and immerse themselves in the process of basic environmetal research.

Inscrições: até 24 de fevereiro de 2020

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UCPH – Post Doc in GPCR Crystallography and Cryo-EM at Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology 2020

28/01/2020 09:08

Objetivo: The Receptor Structural Biology Group (Kastrup group) and Computational Receptor Biology Group (Gloriam group), Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology, University of Copenhagen wish to employ a joint Post Doc in G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) structural biology. The Post Doc fellow will take part in an ambitious interdisciplinary project spanning virtual screening, pharmacology, chemistry, structural biology, and scientific database development.

Inscrições: até 14 de fevereiro de 2020

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UCPH – Postdoctoral Fellowship: Studies of How Niche-Rearrangements Control Organ Progenitor Fate at DanStem 2020

28/01/2020 09:02

Objetivo: We are looking for a postdoctoral candidate with a strong developmental biology/ cellular mechanobiology background and/or a biological image processing background to identify cellular fate determining cues and their mechanism of action in the developing pancreas.

Inscrições: até 15 de fevereiro de 2020

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Ispim – Dissertation Award 2020

27/01/2020 09:34

Objetivo: The ISPIM Innovation Management Dissertation Award rewards the endeavour of PhD researchers to develop the insights, theories and tools to shape the future of innovation management thinking and action.

Inscrições: até 14 de fevereiro de 2020

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