[chamada] NIH – Reducing Stigma to Improve HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment and Care in Low and Middle- Income Countries (R21)

22/09/2017 17:12

The purpose of the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to stimulate research on interventions to reduce HIV/AIDS-associated stigma and its impact on the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS and on the quality of life of People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH). Specifically, this initiative will support research on a) novel stigma reduction interventions that link to increase in care-seeking behavior and/or decrease in transmission; b) reducing the impact of stigma on adolescent and/or youth health; c) strategies to cope with the complex burden of stigmatization due to HIV and one or more comorbidities/coinfections; d) reducing effects of stigma on and/or by family members or caregivers of PLWH; and e) innovative and improved stigma measurement in the context of implementation of an intervention. The overall goals are to understand how to reduce stigma as a factor in HIV transmission, to eliminate or mitigate the aspects of stigma that limit beneficial health outcomes for the infected and at-risk individuals and communities, and to initiate exploratory studies to determine the feasibilityof stigma interventions related to HIV prevention, treatment and/or care in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs).

R21: December 11, 2017.

Letter of Intent Due Date(s):
30 days prior to the application due date.

Data de expiração:
December 12, 2017.

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Tags: EditalExterior

[chamada] NIH – Detection of HIV for Self-Testing (R61/R33)

22/09/2017 16:43

The purpose of the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support bi-phasic developmental, discovery-driven, or hypothesis-driven research focused on innovative strategies to detect HIV either within the first two weeks of infection or to monitor viral rebound after stopping or developing resistance to antiretroviral therapy. Applications should propose simple diagnostic tools that would be feasible for a self-testing platform to allow untrained individuals to detect HIV. Interdisciplinary collaborations that include biomedical, physical, and behavioral sciences are highly encouraged.

R61/R33: December 07, 2017.

Letter of Intent Due Date(s):
30 days prior to the application due date.

Data de expiração:
December 7, 2019.

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Tags: EditalExterior

[evento] EurAsia Waste Management Symposium 2018

22/09/2017 16:09

EurAsia Waste Management Symposium 2018

dias 02 a 04 de maio de 2018.

Istambul, Turquia.

Submissões de trabalhos:
até 01 de dezembro de 2017.

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Tags: Exterior

[chamada] Wellcome Trust – Intermediate Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine 2018

21/09/2017 15:29

The Intermediate Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine helps mid-career researchers from low- and middle-income countries establish independent research programmes in those countries. The scheme aims to support research that will improve public health and tropical medicine at a local, national and global level.

até 30 de novembro de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExterior

[chamada] PMS – Paul Martini Prize 2018

21/09/2017 13:50

The Paul Martini Foundation (PMF) was established by Medizinisch-Pharmazeutische Studiengesellschaft on August 4, 1966. The Foundation will intensify the scientific dialog between the universities, the clinics, the research-based pharmaceutical industry and other research institutions as well as German and international authorities. The Paul Martini Prize honours outstanding achievements in the field of clinical pharmacology. This includes the development and application of clinical-pharmacological methods for the assessment of therapeutic measures as well as therapy studies and their socio-economic aspects.

até 30 de novembro de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExteriorPrêmio

[prêmio] TAU – Dan David Prize 2018

21/09/2017 13:47

The Dan David Prize is a joint international corporation, endowed by the Dan David Foundation and headquartered at Tel Aviv University. The Prize recognizes and encourages innovative and interdisciplinary research that cuts across traditional boundaries and paradigms. It aims to foster universal values of excellence, creativity, justice, democracy and progress and to promote the scientific, technological and humanistic achievements that advance and improve our world.

até 30 de novembro de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExteriorPrêmio

[chamada] NIH – Research Answers to NCI’s Pediatric Provocative Questions (R01 and R21)

21/09/2017 13:37

The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to invite applications for research projects designed to use sound and innovative strategies to solve specific problems and paradoxes in childhood cancer research identified by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) as the NCI’s Pediatric Provocative Questions (Pediatric PQs). These problems and paradoxes framed as questions are not intended to represent the full range of NCI’s priorities in childhood cancer research. Rather, they are meant to challenge cancer researchers to think about and elucidate specific problems in key areas of pediatric cancer research that are deemed important but have not received sufficient attention.

R01/R21: November 24, 2017.

Letter of Intent Due Date(s):
30 days prior to the application due date.

Data de expiração:
November 25, 2017.

Mais informações em R01 e R21.


Tags: EditalExterior

[evento] International Conferences WSEAS – World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society

21/09/2017 13:19

MATREFC ’18 – 6th International Conference on Management, Marketing, Tourism, Retail, Finance and Computer Applications;
EEESD ’18 – 14th International Conference on Energy, Environment, Ecosystems and Sustainable Development;
MCBC ’18 – 15th International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Biology and Chemistry;
CEA ’18 – 11th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications;
AMTA ’18 – 15th International Conference on Acoustics & Music: Theory & Applications;
MCBE ’18 – 15th International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Business and Economics;
ICBA ’18 – 12th International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Business Administration;
CSST ’18 – 11th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Signal and Telecommunications.

dias 19 a 21 de janeiro de 2018.

Submissões de trabalhos:
até 19 de novembro de 2017.

Budapeste, Hungria.


Tags: Exterior

[chamada] Wellcome Trust – Collaborative Awards in Science 2018

21/09/2017 12:53

The Wellcome Trust is an independent charity funding research to improve human and animal health. Established in 1936 it is the UK’s largest non governmental source of funds for biomedical research. The Collaborative Awards in Science promote the development of new deas and speed the pace of discovery. The Wellcome Trust funds teams of researchers, consisting of independent research groups, to work together on the most important scientific problems that can only be solved through collaborative efforts.

até 17 de novembro de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExteriorPrêmio