Objetivo: To encourage, celebrate and reward journalists who deliver insights into the personal and social impact of the cancer, and efforts to change policy, practice or advocacy.
Inscrições: até 01 de maio de 2018
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Objetivo: To offer a three-year programme that aims to produce scholars who will become key researchers in the field of sustainability science. The programme takes an innovative approach to sustainability, seeking to promote a better understanding of the issues by incorporating global change perspectives, specifically those related to climate change and biodiversity.
Inscrições: até 27 de abril de 2018
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Objetivo: To foster the cooperation between Luxembourg based companies active in R&D and public research institutions in Luxembourg and/or abroad. The scheme awards PhD and Postdoc grants to researchers who carry out their PhD and/or postdoc training in collaboration with a company in Luxembourg.
Inscrições: até 20 de abril de 2018
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Objetivo: To honor women and women’s groups around the world exhibiting exceptional creativity, courage and commitment for the improvement of the quality of life in rural communities. The Prize aims to draw international attention to laureates’ contributions to sustainable development, food security and peace, thus generating recognition and support for their initiatives and projects.
Inscrições: até 30 de abril de 2018
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Objetivo: Ofertar bolsas de mobilidade para professores universitários, pesquisadores e estudantes de pós-graduação em fase de pesquisa, de nacionalidade brasileira ou espanhola. As bolsas têm como objetivo promover a cooperação cultural e científica entre Brasil e Espanha.
Inscrições: até 07 de abril de 2018
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Objetivo: To fund projects by post-doctoral researchers, working on research disciplines such as Ethology, Paleontology, Archaeology, Anthropology, Psychology, Epistemology, Logic and Sciences of nervous system. These grants are awarded to french or foreign researchers, holders of a foreign Phd and who wish to achieve their project in a Laboratory in France; or either french or foreign researchers holders of a french Phd who wish to achieve their project in a Laboratory abroad (excluded origin country and co-tutorship).
Inscrições: até 06 de abril de 2018
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Objetivo: To offer a three-year scholarship to complete a PhD in Theology and Religious Studies. Applications are invited from high quality prospective PhD students with a good fit with the research specialisms of the department ‘Christianity and the History of Ideas’, where academic staff are engaged in the study of the history of Christianity from the Middle Ages to the present, the philosophy of religion, religious heritage, as well as secularism in culture and governance.
Inscrições: até 02 de abril de 2018
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Objetivo: To fund any purpose connected with research or writing in the history of technology for a period of not less than three months during the year following the award. The proposal must be in a field related to the history of technology. Applicants should be intending either to prepare a dissertation for publication as articles or as a monograph, or to develop a new project based on primary research.
Inscrições: até 01 de abril de 2018
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Data: 7 a 9 de maio de 2018
Local: Universidade de Passo Fundo, RS
Inscrições: até 20 de abril de 2018
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Objetivo: Collaborative Awards promote the development of new ideas and speed the pace of discovery. We fund teams of researchers, consisting of independent research groups, to work together on the most important scientific problems that can only be solved through collaborative efforts.
Inscrições: até 24 de abril de 2018
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