ICTP – Short-Term Visits in the CMSP 2019

11/12/2018 08:08

Objetivo:  The purpose of visits is to perform own theoretical studies in areas of expertise of the CMSP Section in close interaction with the section’s resident staff and visiting scientists.  As a rule these visits may be for a maximum period of 1 month.

Inscrições: até 15 de janeiro de 2019

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Terra Foundation – Research Travel Grants to the United States 2019

11/12/2018 08:01

Objetivo:  Terra Foundation Research Travel Grants provide support for research on topics concerning American art and visual culture prior to 1980. These grants enable scholars outside the United States to consult resources and visit collections within the United States.

Inscrições: até 15 de janeiro de 2019

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

KTH Royal Institute of Technology – Postdoc Position in Geometric PDEs and Mathematical Relativity 2018

11/12/2018 08:00

Objetivo: This position is intended for work on projects in geometric PDE’s, classical mathematical relativity, or a combination of these subjects. By geometric PDE’s we here mean any geometrically motivated partial differential equations, which could be either elliptic, parabolic, or hyperbolic. By mathematical relativity we mean Lorentzian geometry, the study of initial data sets, problems related to evolution (stability, asymptotics, cosmic censorship), the study of horizons and trapped surfaces, static solutions, etc.

Inscrições: até 15 de janeiro de 2019

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IOM3 – Materials Literature Review Prize 2019

06/12/2018 08:48

Objetivo: The aim of the Materials Science and Technology Literature Review Prize is to encourage definitive, critical reviews of the literature by students and to make these available to a wider readership by publication in the journal Materials Science and Technology (MST).

Inscrições: até 11 de janeiro de 2019

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio

KTH Royal Institute of Technology – Postdoc Position: The Dahlquist Research Fellowship 2018

06/12/2018 08:05

Objetivo: “The Dahlquist Research Fellowship” entails a two-year employment as a postdoc/researcher at KTH. It´s a full-time research position in Numerical Analysis and it´s financed by COMSOL AB and the department of Mathematics. The award will be for full time research at KTH in numerical analysis and will carry special recognition at the School of Engineering Sciences. The recipient is encouraged to pursue her or his own research interests.

Inscrições: até 11 de janeiro de 2019

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio

UCAR – Jack Eddy Postdoctoral Fellowships 2019

06/12/2018 08:02

Objetivo: The Cooperative Programs for the Advancement of Earth System Science (CPAESS) announces the 2019 call for applications to the Jack Eddy Postdoctoral Fellowships, sponsored by the NASA Living With a Star (LWS) program. The fellowships are designed to train the next generation of researchers in the emerging field of Heliophysics.

Inscrições: até 11 de janeiro de 2019

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Fapesp – Bolsa de Pós-Doutorado em Superfícies Topológicas em Materiais Ferroicos na Ufscar 2018

05/12/2018 10:40

Objetivo: Alcançar avanços significativos, qualitativos e quantitativos na síntese, caracterização, modelagem e aplicações de materiais nanoestruturados ferroicos, visando melhorar suas propriedades para aplicações em conversores de energias renováveis (mecânicas e solar).

Inscrições: até 10 de janeiro de 2019

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Tags: Brasil