SfAM – Research Support Grant

18/06/2018 10:05

Objetivo: The fund is available for SfAM Members supervising a postgraduate research student, who has no funding from an additional source. Both the applicant and student must be members of the Society. The fund will cover consumables or a small piece of equipment required to complete their studies in the area of applied microbiology.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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ISN/CAEN Category 2B: Support for Participation by Individuals in Scientific Workshops/Training Courses/Satellite Meetings in Developed or Developing Countries

08/06/2018 11:33

Objetivo: To offer a range of financial support to scientists from countries with limited financial support who are performing research in Neurochemistry (defined broadly as molecular and cellular neurobiology).

Inscrições: todos os anos, até 31 de agosto31 de dezembro

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ITI – Research Grant 2018

07/06/2018 12:02

Objetivo: To fund projects in the following priority areas: Protocols for reduced invasiveness with improved efficiency; prevention and management of biologic and technical complications in implant dentistry; digital technologies in implant dentistry; innovative materials and techniques for hard and soft tissue integration and regeneration. 

Inscrições: até 31 de agosto de 2018

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

SEMPRE – Reg and Molly Buck Award

06/06/2018 11:57

Objetivo: To support a post-doctoral research project of someone who has been awarded their doctorate up to five years previously. One individual award will be offered in any one year of up to £2,500. The Reg and Molly Buck Award is open to anyone working an area embraced by the Society’s aims.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

Programa de Iniciativa de Pesquisa Colaborativa (PIPC) – CAPES-DFG

24/05/2018 11:29

Objetivo: Aprofundar a cooperação acadêmica entre instituições de ensino superior e centros de pesquisa brasileiros e alemães; aprofundar a cooperação entre pesquisadores e educadores de instituições de pesquisa e ensino superior no Brasil e seus pares na Alemanha; contribuir para a mobilidade de professores, pesquisadores e estudantes de pós- graduação entre as universidades alemãs e as instituições de ensino superior brasileiras; apoiar projetos conjuntos de pesquisa desenvolvidos por grupos brasileiros e alemães vinculados a instituições de ensino superior e/ou pesquisa; incentivar a criação de redes de pesquisa.

Inscrições: até 26 de julho de 2018

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Tags: Apoio financeiroBrasilCapes

EMDR – Research Consultation Awards

21/05/2018 11:50

Objetivo: Research consultation awards of up to $1,000 are available for clinicians, post-doctoral students, or university faculty interested in conducting research on EMDR and disseminating findings to the practice and scientific communities. The purpose of this award is to facilitate access to the expertise needed in order to advance the development of an EMDR research project, to support the completion of a project, or the writing of an article for publication in a professional journal.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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FAO – Technical Cooperation Programme

17/05/2018 15:22

Objetivo: The Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) was created to enable FAO to make its know-how and technical expertise available to member countries upon request, drawing from its own resources. The TCP provides assistance in all areas pertaining to FAO’s mandate and competence that are covered by the Strategic Framework to respond to governments’ priority needs.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

Awesome Foundation – Call for Proposals

07/05/2018 12:10

Objetivo: Apoiar projetos através de pequenos prêmios ou doações, geralmente escolhidos uma vez por mês ou bimestralmente. Esta pequena doação, de $1000 USD ou o valor equivalente em moeda local, é coletada a partir de doações individuais (pessoa física) dos “curadores” e é entregue sem pedir qualquer contrapartida às pessoas ou grupos desenvolvendo os projetos irados.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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Tags: Apoio financeiroBrasil