ACS – International Scholarships for Surgical Education 2018

25/01/2018 09:48

Objetivo: To provide young faculty members from countries other than the United States and Canada with the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational opportunities for faculty development and enhancement that will result in acquisition of new knowledge and skills in surgical education and training. This knowledge and these skills will be useful in improving surgical education and training at the scholar’s home institution and country.

Inscrições: até 01 de março de 2018

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Erasmus Mundus Consortium in Vision & Robotics (VIBOT): Master Scholarships for non-EU Students 2018/2020

25/01/2018 09:45

Objetivo: To provide qualifications for entry into the professions in the area of robotics, computer vision, image processing and medical imaging either in public laboratory or private research company.

Inscrições: até 02 de março de 2018

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JNS – Toshihiko Tokizane Memorial Award for Excellent Graduate Study in Neuroscience 2018

24/01/2018 10:13

Objetivo: To prize excellent Graduate Study in Neuroscience, which is funded through Toshihiko Tokizane Memorial Brain Research Promotion Fund. The Award applauds excellent graduate studies in the field of neuroscience and thereby encourages young researchers and promotes further development of research in the field.

Inscrições: até 09 de março de 2018

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SABA – Sidney W. and Janet R. Bijou Grant 2018

24/01/2018 10:03

Objetivo: To support doctoral student research designed to incorporate behavioral principles to advance our understanding of human development. Developmental concepts could include chronological and developmental age, neurobiological and genetic factors associated with development, or the impact of developmental trajectories on adult behavior.

Inscrições: até 01 de março de 2018

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PSI – Susan A. Hickman Research Award 2018

23/01/2018 09:45

Objetivo: To prize an individual involved in a scholarly research project that contributes to the field of perinatal mental health. The recipient is selected by the PSI Research Committee among qualified applicants. The full award for 2018 is $5000, which includes a stipend for travel to attend the PSI Conference in Philadelphia Pennsylvania.

Inscrições: até 01 de março de 2018

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Tags: ExteriorPrêmio