Zebra Foundation for Veterinary Zoological Education – Grants

21/05/2018 11:43

Objetivo: The Zebra Foundation wants to help veterinary surgeons and students extend their knowledge of zoological medicine. This may be by attending relevant organisations at home or abroad, undertaking elective study projects or zoological research.

Inscrições: até 30 de setembro de 2018

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

De Duve Institute – Post Doctoral Fellowships

18/05/2018 11:40

Objetivo: The Institute awards 1-year fellowships, which are renewable once, to young foreign scientists, who in principle have not obtained their PhD degree at a Belgian University, and who wish to carry out their post-doctoral research within one of our research groups.

Inscrições: até 15 de setembro de 2018

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Tags: BolsaExterior

Edufi Fellowships Programme

17/05/2018 15:32

Objetivo: To offer scholarship to young Doctoral level students and researchers from all countries and from all academic fields. The scholarship period may vary from 3 to 12 months. The monthly allowance is 1500 euros. The scholarship is intended to cover living expenses in Finland for a single person. No additional allowance for housing is paid. Expenses due to international travel to and from Finland are not covered by the programme.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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Tags: BolsaExterior

Food Security Center – South-South Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher Scholarships 2018

17/05/2018 15:20

Objetivo: FSC seeks visiting postdoctoral researchers (junior lecturer, lecturer) from developing countries for a period of three months. The Center wishes to attract young innovative professionals. The scholarship aims at increasing their previously gained scientific knowledge and skills relevant to food security related issues. The successful candidate will collaborate with the research staff of one of FSC’s partner universities or an other research center or development organization located in a developing country (e.g., one of the centers of the CGIAR) to conduct a specific research project contributing to the mission of FSC.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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Tags: BolsaExterior

UFAW – Small Project and Travel Awards

15/05/2018 14:55

Objetivo: Through its Small Projects and Travel Awards (up to £3,500), UFAW supports a variety of activities for the benefit of animal welfare. Applications may be made for the purchase of equipment, for the organisation of (and, sometimes, to support attendance at) educational meetings, lectures and courses, and for publication, translation or transmission of information on animal welfare and for other small projects in support of UFAW’s objectives.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior

XI Encontro Nacional de Gerenciamento Costeiro (ENCOGERCO) e II Simpósio Brasileiro sobre Praias Arenosas (SBPA)

15/05/2018 14:46

Objetivo: Proporcionar um espaço de debates técnicos e científicos no que se refere a interconectividade entre o comportamento do ambiente praia, especialmente da linha de costa, e a gestão costeira. É só através da conexão entre o conhecimento técnico/científico e a gestão, é que se torna possível a quantificação dos perigos aos quais a zona costeira estará sujeita.

Inscrições: até 01 de julho de 2018 (submissões)

Data: 15 19 de outubro de 2018

Local: Florianópolis, SC

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Tags: Brasil

XI Seminário Internacional de Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável, Cooperativismo e Economia Solidária (SICOOPES) e Feira de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação Social (FECITIS)

15/05/2018 14:37

Objetivo: Promover o intercâmbio entre professores, pesquisadores, estudantes da educação básica, tecnológica, profissional, graduação, pós-graduação e produtores rurais associados aos empreendimentos econômicos solidários rurais, a fim de potencializar a construção e a disseminação de conhecimentos sobre os saberes e práticas relacionados ao desenvolvimento rural sustentável nos territórios rurais. Assim como, contribuir para melhoria dos ensinos médio, técnico e superior, possibilitando a identificação de jovens talentos para desenvolvimento da capacidade inventiva e investigativa nos estudantes, proporcionando o surgimento de vocações para as carreiras ligadas às áreas científicas e tecnológicas e docente, para o uso do conhecimento científico como mecanismo de empoderamento, inclusão e transformação social, no estado do Pará.

Inscrições: até 27 de agosto de 2018

Data: 28 a 31 de agosto de 2018

Local: Instituto Federal do Pará – Campus Castanhal – Castanhal, PA

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Tags: Brasil

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in AquaCulture, Environment and Society (EMJMD ACES): Grants for Visiting Scholars

14/05/2018 11:31

Objetivo: The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in AquaCulture, Environment and Society (EMJMD ACES) will give you a unique opportunity to study in three centres of European excellence in aquaculture research and learning; Scotland, Crete and France. It will also allow you to gain the practical and theoretical skills needed for a successful career in aquaculture through industry-led research programmes, internships and fieldwork.

Inscrições: até 03 de agosto de 2018

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Tags: BolsaExterior

TÜBITAK – Fellowships for Visiting Scientists and Scientists on Sabbatical Leave

11/05/2018 11:59

Objetivo: The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) grants fellowships for international scientists/researchers who would like to give workshops/conferences/lectures, or conduct R&D activities in Turkey in the fields of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technological Sciences, Medical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities. The program aims to promote Turkey’s scientific and technological collaboration with countries of the prospective fellows.

Inscrições: durante todo o ano

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Tags: Apoio financeiroExterior