Edital de Chamada Pública FAPESC Nº 03/2017 – Programa FAPESC de Recursos Humanos em CTI Bolsas de Mestrado e Doutorado

09/10/2017 15:43

Fomentar projetos de pesquisa de desenvolvimento científico, tecnológico e inovação que visem contribuir significativamente para a formação de recursos humanos, por meio de cotas de bolsa de mestrados e doutorados acadêmicos, vinculados às Instituições de Ensino Superior, de Santa Catarina.

até dia 31 de outubro de 2017.

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Tags: BolsaBrasilEditalFAPESC

American Society for Nutrition and ASN Foundation Awards

06/10/2017 17:07

The ASN Fellows Committee invites nominations for the Class of 2018 ASN Fellows. The ASN Fellow designation is the highest honor bestowed by the Society in recognition of significant discoveries and distinguished careers in nutrition. Scientists who are at least 65 years of age are eligible for nomination. Nominations may be made by any member of the Society. Nominations should include a curriculum vitae and a supporting statement explaining why the candidate should receive ASN Fellowship.

até dia 31 de outubro de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExteriorPrêmio

Postdoctoral or PhD Student Research Position In Bioinformatics: De Novo Genome Assembly and Haplotyping

06/10/2017 17:05

The Laboratory for Cytogenetics and Genome research at the Genter for Human Genetics develops tools for genome analyses. One major challenge of contemporary genome analysis is the de novo assembly of genomes. Currently, we are implementing whole genome Illumina sequencing, PacBio single molecule sequencing for de novo genome assemblies and we are exploring the use of PacBio sequencing for haplotyping.

até dia 29 de outubro de 2017.

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Tags: BolsaEditalExterior

Postdoctoral Fellowship in molecular plant biology and grain quality

06/10/2017 17:00

Postdoctoral Fellowships at CSIRO provide opportunities to scientists and engineers, who have completed their doctorate and will have less than six years relevant postdoctoral work experience, at the end of their term. These fellowships will help launch their careers, provide experience that will enhance their career prospects, and facilitate the recruitment and development of potential leaders for CSIRO.

até dia 29 de outubro de 2017.

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Tags: BolsaEditalExterior

Polymer International – IUPAC Award — 2018 Call For Nominations

06/10/2017 16:59

The Executive Editorial Board of Polymer International and the IUPAC Polymer Division are pleased to announce the 6th award for creativity in applied polymer science or polymer technology. This award celebrates the achievements of young researchers in the polymer community.

até dia 30 de outubro de 2017.

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Tags: EditalExteriorPrêmio

Prêmio Tecnologias de Impacto – Novas Soluções Wireless e IOT

06/10/2017 16:34

Reconhecer inventores brasileiros que desenvolvem as tecnologias que transformam a maneira com que interagimos com o mundo e uns com os outros, anunciamos o Prêmio Tecnologias de Impacto – Novas soluções wireless e IoT.

até dia 30 de outubro de 2017.

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Tags: EditalPrêmio

Jean Monnet Postdoctoral Fellowships

06/10/2017 16:15

The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) offers one-year Jean Monnet Fellowships to scholars who have obtained their doctorate more than 5 years prior to the start of the fellowship, i.e. 1 September 2018 for the academic year 2018-19. The Fellowship programme is open to post-docs, tenure track academics and those wishing to spend their sabbatical at the Robert Schuman Centre. We invite you to become part of a lively and creative academic community.

até dia 25 de outubro de 2017.

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Tags: BolsaEditalExterior